I freely admit that the idea of scented candles and Scentsy burners are not inherently frugal and are indeed wasteful. I really like how they make my modest home smell inviting and clean when it sometimes isn’t and I am likely not alone in this feeling. Reducing waste is just as much a new way of thinking about old things as it is new ways of acting. To those dear readers who don’t get to enjoy a woodstove, think of this post as an exercise in thinking in new ways about old stuff.
How To:
Save the lint from a few dryer loads of laundry and stuff them into egg cartons. Then, carefully turn off the warm burner or blow out your candle. Pour (perhaps with a scrap of paper under your workspace) the warm wax onto the dryer lint, moving the candle or burner the way you might a bottle of salad dressing. You want the wax evenly distributed over the lint. I like to leave my burner upside down on the open carton for a moment, especially if I am changing “smells”.
I shared the process in a quick Periscope broadcast which I saved to my YouTube Channel. Check it out below!