Want to learn how to start canning, step by step? This post will share modern techniques, safety-first approaches, and all the best tips and tricks for learning how to start canning. Canning is fun, easy, fast, and modern with my techniques. Read on for how to start canning!

Ready to Get Started Canning?
Free Canning Basics Course
When I started canning, I was overwhelmed and amazed at how little information I could find that was easy to follow, clear, visual, and otherwise beginner friendly. I read (I’m an English teacher, after all) everything I could, practiced batch after batch, and I am here to tell you (and explain, in detail in the Free Canning Basics Course) that canning is WAY LESS COMPLICATED than cooking a big family dinner. It’s freeing, fun, fast, and in the Free Canning Basics Course I send you simple lessons to your inbox daily, for free. Head here for more info!

Best Home Canning Equipment For A Beginner
Have a beginning canner you are shopping for? Want to get the best canning supplies for the beginning canner in your life? This post will share exactly the Best Home Canning Equipment For A Beginner, even if they are just canning curious and want to to start canning, or if they have canned a few times before. Read on for the complete list of canning supplies for a beginner!

Canning Jump Start Guide
Wish you knew how to can like Grandma did, but think it is too hard or you don’t have the time to learn? This post is for you! I can help you dive into canning with a modern spin with the Canning Jump Start Guide- read on for the visual guide complete with recipes, equipment checklists, and more that will help you get started canning!

Differences Between Water Bath Canning and Steam Canning
This video will explain the differences between using a water bath canner and a steam canner and will show you how a steam canner can save 30 minutes or more per batch, weighs just a quarter of a full-size traditional canner, and are ideal for a beginner. Read on, Wildflowers!

Easy Canning Recipes
These easy canning recipes are perfect if you’re wondering how to can food for beginners. Each recipe has step by step instruction for water bath canning and steam canning and each of these easy canning recipes is FAST.

Round Canning Labels
You need to label your canning jars. Get beautiful canning labels here!

The Canning Process
The part about canning the really makes newbies worried (other than food safety) is not knowing what has to happen when. When you were a kid, you might remember someone canning in your family and looking up at the stove and seeing what seemed like 10 pots of boiling water. Well, canning does not require 10 pots, but I know it can seem like it to a busy beginner.

Should You Simmer Your Canning Lids?
Do you have to simmer your canning lids? This post will explain whether or not you have to simmer your canning lids before putting them on your canning jars. Read on to get the time-saving scoop!

Do You Need to Sterilize Your Jars?
Do you need to sterilize your jars first when canning? This post explains how sterilizing canning jars can be a huge waste of time and why. Read on to find out when you need to spend time sterilizing canning jars!

29 Reasons You Should Try Steam Canning
This post will explain the reasons why a steam canner is the best thing to happen to the preserving world since Napoleon offered a reward to anyone who could preserve food to feed his soldiers afield. Read on for the list, Wildflowers!

What is Pickling Salt?
Many canning recipes call for pickling salt, and curious canners want to know: Do you need to use pickling salt? I’ll explain what pickling salt is, when you should use it, when it is okay to skip, and you’ll want to dive into canning immediately because salt is salt, Wildflowers.

Here’s 10 Easy Jam Recipes
These easy canning recipes are perfect if you’re wondering how to can food for beginners. Each recipe has step by step instruction for water bath canning and steam canning and each of these easy canning recipes are FAST.

How To Can Vegetables
This post will teach you exactly the how to can vegetables the easiest and best way for a beginner, plus will share the best recipes for canning vegetables with water bath canning and steam canning. Read on for how to can vegetables!